
Book Review: Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak

Book Review: Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak | Kelly Branyik Author

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
February 4, 2021

4 mins read


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I started this book partly for research and partly for enjoyment.

Bringers of the Dawn, I’m ashamed to say has sat in my bookcase, unread, for years. I’m sorry, Barbara.

My first novel, The Lost Pleiad, is coming out in 2021, and it is centered around the myth/fact of Pleiadians. If you don’t know what those are, you can read about them here.

Pleiadians are, to most, not just an alien race, they are lightworkers. Many believe they live amongst us earthlings with hopes of raising us to higher consciousness so we can be more loving and compassionate and connected to our spiritual selves.

The Lost Pleiad’s original myth revolves around one star in the Seven Sisters Constellation which rests in the Taurus constellation. The myth of that star is that one of the Seven Sisters is lost. There are many stories as to why that is, which is why I am writing my very own story about it.

In an effort to write this novel, and because all authors must, I started doing research on Pleiadians. It turns out, there are a lot of people out there who not only love Pleiadians, but identify with them personally, and on a spiritual level.

This brings me to Barbara Marciniak.


Watch The Bringers of the Dawn Video!


Who is Barbara Marciniak?

Barbara Marciniak - Bringers of the Dawn Quote

Barbara is the author of Bringers of the Dawn, a book that harbors a wealth of knowledge about teachings channeled directly from Pleiadians.

Barbara Marciniak has been channeling the Pleiadians since May 1988 and using their teachings as a way to encourage spiritual transformation.

She is the best-selling author of:

She has collectively sold over 500,000 copies of these books in over 20 languages.

Barbara Marciniak paved the way in understanding Pleiadians and their purpose for being here and existing on earth and within us.


About Bringers of the Dawn

When I started reading this book, it was full of knowledge I already knew, but definitely didn’t mind reading again. What I gained from this book was not so much the teachings of, “here’s how the Pleiadians do it because we said so,” but it was about connecting to your spiritual self.

The purpose of this book is to help people do just that. Embrace who they are, find their life’s purpose, and ultimate love themselves.

Marciniak tackles various topics in the book, including:

  • Sexuality and Pro-creation
  • Religious indoctrination
  • The Multidimensional Merge
  • Tapping into your memories
  • Setting boundaries between reality and spirit
  • The roles of lightworkers
  • Embracing emotions & tapping into feelings
  • Languages and frequencies of light
  • General consciousness
  • Courage and Vulnerability

This book covers everything someone might want to tap into when they are in self-discovery mode. If the reader pays attention, they’ll see this as less of Pleiadian teachings and more as a tool kit for rediscovering who they are.


Why Bringers of the Dawn May Be Useful to You

Book Review: Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak

In general, this book is great for anyone looking to:

  • Practice mindfulness
  • Become more spiritually sound
  • Discover their passion and purpose
  • Develop better human connections
  • Listen more intently to their intuition
  • Let go of their trauma
  • Accept our ability to manifest and create

Although an older book, it’s essentially the same message that other self-help guides discuss all the time. Bringers of the Dawn echos often the importance of embracing and working through emotions rather than pushing them down to remain unseen.

People like Brené Brown are doing similar things, telling us that by embracing emotions and vulnerability, we actually create a sense of belonging.

I found this to be one of the most important parts of the book. Our abilities to embrace emotions and work through them without numbing practices and unhealthy coping mechanisms is something that has existed in society for eons.


What I think of this book

I really enjoyed this book and the goal of this book. I felt that this was timely especially to many within the present generations as we search for ways to be more mindful.

At times, this book was hard to stay focused on, mostly because of the way it was written, but when I was able to stay focused, I was able to get into her points and take in her messages.

If you are on the search for answers or trying to find yourself, some of the things she mentioned in the book may come as a shock to you. This is something she addresses often. Typically, our own indoctrination is what prompts us to resist new ideas.

However, she also mentions that those reading this book are likely doing so because they are a part of the Family of Light.

By reading this book, they are in the first stages of opening up to the possibilities of accepting all parts of their physical and spiritual self. This is important for being part of the world’s big shift in consciousness.

Overall, if you are on a search for more spiritual clarity and are open to possibilities outside the norm, this is the book for you. If, however, you are experiencing a little resistance or know your current belief systems will be challenged with a book like this, I still think you should read it, but now may not be the best time.


Other Books on Pleiadians

There are so many other books out there on Pleiadians. I detail these books in a separate blog post, see the Top 7 Pleiadian Starseed Books.

7 Pleiadian Books to Read if You're a Starseed

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