
The Lost Pleiad: A Fictional Novel About the Pleiades Star Cluster

A Fictional Novel About the Pleiades Star Cluster: The Lost Pleiad

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She is releasing her premier novel, The Lost Pleiad in 2021. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
February 1, 2021

It was nearly a decade ago that my father sent me a video that said, “You might be a Pleiadian if…”

I watched the video as it detailed a lot of personality traits that I identified with.

    • A love of jewel tones
    • My connection to whales and dolphins
    • A love of the stars
    • My love of Pleiades
    • How I always engaged in some form of escapism
    • Feeling out of place.
    • Feeling empathy, love, and compassion
    • And a myriad of other traits

I sat through the whole video and cried, feeling like this part of me was finally found. For those of you thinking how crazy this is, I’m sure you can identify with something just as unexplainable and seems crazy to others.

No judgments here.


I’ve Loved the Pleiades Star Cluster from a Young Age

A Fictional Novel About the Pleiades Star Cluster: The Lost Pleiad

My love for the Pleiades star cluster started before this when I was a young girl learning about stars for the first time. I was captured by the seven Sisters, or Pleiades constellation, ever since I learned the story of the Seven Sisters.

I learned how one of them ate too many onions resulting in her sisters casting her out.

But as I got older, the Pleiades Star Cluster seemed to follow me everywhere. I found it in books I read, I discovered other people in my circles knew about Pleiadians, I found outlets create whole jewelry lines out of it.

Then as I grew into an adult, I found myself researching Pleiadians more and more.


What is the Pleiades Star Cluster?

The Pleiades Star Cluster goes by three names:

    • The Pleiades
    • Seven Sisters
    • Messier 45

It is actually an open star cluster consisting of a couple thousand stars, 9 of which are most apparent to us here on earth. It also lives in the Taurus constellation.

Astrologists suggest the star cluster is only 100 million years old and located 400 light-years away.

1 light-year = 6 trillion miles

The Star Cluster’s 9 stars are:

    • Atlas
    • Pleione
    • Alcyone
    • Electra
    • Maia
    • Taygete
    • Asterope
    • Celaeno
    • Merope

Atlas and Pleione are the parents of the following seven girls.

There are a variety of stories surrounding the myth of the Seven Sisters constellation, all of which are amazing.


Why do People Resonate with the Pleiades Star Cluster?

A Fictional Novel About the Pleiades Star Cluster: The Lost Pleiad

It is proven that more than 50% of people believe aliens exist. And with a galaxy made up of billions of other galaxies, how can we ignore what could possibly be out there?

If you are big into science and science fiction, you may have already heard of humanoid beings like the Greys or the Reptilians.

Greys are known for their intellect while Reptilians are known for their violence.

Pleiadians, on the other hand, are known for their love, compassion, and desire for togetherness. It is said that alien beings exist in human form on earth, disguised as earthlings.

It is also said that Pleiadians are here to influence more love and compassion amongst people, thus raising them to a higher vibrational frequency and the ability to exist in the 5th dimension.

Pleiadians and Ancient Alien culture are so in-depth, complex, and fascinating.


The Lost Pleiad

The Lost Pleiad Book - Kelly Branyik

Several years ago, I came up with the idea to write a novel centered around that single sister who ate too many onions and was considered The Lost Pleiad. I wanted to capture the story of the woman in the Pleiades star cluster and her journey toward finding her way back to herself.

I started writing this story in November 2020.

This story is being released in 2021.


About The Lost Pleiad Novel

Desperate to understand her connection to the cosmos, Anya Allen embarks on a journey to discover who she is and where she belongs. Stargazing has been a life-long hobby for Anya but there is one constellation she favors above all others. The Pleiades. 

Her introspective curiosity and online research of the star cluster awakens her to the possibility she might not be from planet Earth. How can that be?

Motivated to understand her place, Anya seeks assistance from a duo of lightworkers, who introduce her to metaphysical travels. As her abilities to move between two worlds intensifies, so does a budding romantic bond with one person who knows her better than anyone, Sam. Their deep love threatens to disrupt her desires to visit a world unknown.

Through a series of interstellar travels, Anya finally learns where she belongs. But which world is she actually destined to live in?


You Can Reserve a Copy of the Lost Pleiad

If you love the Pleiades star cluster and love Pleiadians even more, I promise you will love this book.

It will be one you resonate with.

For all those who reserve a copy before the date it’s published, you will receive a signed copy at a discounted rate and a sneak peek of the first chapter before it’s released.

You can pre-order your copy below.

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