The Lost Pleiad is On Its Way!

The Lost Pleiad is On It's Way!

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She is releasing her premier novel, The Lost Pleiad in 2021. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
August 29, 2021

I’ve been in a magical universe for the past week.

I got my first proof copy of The Lost Pleiad last week and it’s surreal. I keep saying that word because it’s the best way to describe just how crazy it is to hold it in my hands.

It doesn’t feel real at all.

For about an hour, I just walked around my house holding it, feeling the edges on my cheeks, running my fingers across the matte cover, flipping through the pages.

All I’m thinking is, this is a God damn book. Hell yeah. I wrote a book! And it all started with NaNoWriMo in November 2020.


What’s Happening Now?

I finished my Indiegogo campaign in early August and have already started getting things together for the 35 people who bought it early and will get it before the launch date on December 13, 2021.

When I first started showing it to people, everyone was really shocked by the size, but really, I didn’t think it was a big deal. So each time I showed someone the book, they gave me variations of the same comment.

“That book is so thick! That’s surprising.”

Like… yeah and… thanks? What did you expect? It’s thick… like me. HA!

Seriously, though. People seemed to be shocked that I would write a 598-page book… and it’s the first book in a three-book series. Not sure why that is shocking?

Yes, there is more to this book. This is just the beginning.

But as far as this proof copy goes, there were still some things that needed to be changed. Honestly, I didn’t realize how much more needed to be reviewed and edited, and how many little mistakes there were (thank goodness for proof copies, seriously).

After getting those tweaks squared away. I was able to send it off for review to a couple of places and it’s ALREADY been picked up by a reviewer on Reedsy!


What Happening Next?

Now that the proof copy is done, I can start ordering hard copies to send to all those who bought the book early.

This also means The Lost Pleiad paperback and hardcovers are going to be available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble soon! Once that happens, anyone can start ordering their book so they can get it by December 13, 2021, when the book launches.

For now, anyone who wants a Kindle version can find it on Amazon for pre-order!


About The Lost Pleiad

The Lost Pleiad is a Modern-Day Greek Myth Retelling of Pleiades. Anya Allen discovers she’s not from Earth. Through astral travel, amidst falling in love with Sam Castleton, she learns where she belongs, but which life will she choose? Read the full description on Goodreads!

The Lost Pleiad fits under a few different genres including, science fiction, women’s fiction, and Greek myth retelling.

I am always looking for more people to review this book before the launch date, so if you are interested in receiving an Advanced Reader Copy and being part of my Street Team, contact me!

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