The Lost Pleiad Series; A Greek Mythology Retelling of Pleiades

The Lost Pleiad Series; A Greek Mythology Retelling Book of Pleiades

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She is releasing her premier novel, The Lost Pleiad in 2021. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
May 10, 2021

When I set out to write “The Lost Pleiad” I had an idea in mind that grew quickly to a story much bigger and more exciting than the original.

I was originally writing this story because it was one that resonated with me as I learned about Pleiadians. There is a huge community of like-minded people who really resonate with the message and mission of Pleiadians.

What used to be one book has now turned into a 3-book series that will slingshot readers into the stars.

The Lost Pleiad has evolved into a Greek mythology retelling with a sci-fi spin on it.


A Greek Mythology Retelling of the Pleiades Constellation

We’ve heard countless stories of Orion, Hades, Hercules, Thor, Zeus, and a myriad of different and popular Greek Gods widely referenced throughout history and even in the modern-day world.

I decided to tackle a different bit of Greek mythology with this unique story.

Originally, this book was going to be a story I felt Pleiadians or people in the Pleiadian community could relate to as they developed their understanding of their place in this world as a Starseed.

But when I learned The Lost Pleiad had a story with many gaps, I felt it was my opportunity to tell that story. To tell people about a constellation that like its own presence in the sky right now, seems to go unnoticed.

I have no doubt that this story will take you on many surprising twists and turns while also holding true to the many myths associated with the Pleiades constellation.


The Lost Pleiad Series and What’s to Come

The Lost Pleiad Series; A Greek Mythology Retelling of Pleiades

As I’ve said already, The Lost Pleiad has gone from a one-book idea to a 3-book series. Anya Allen’s story grew so quickly in a short amount of time. Her story and her adventure will be unique, complex, thrilling, and surprising.

As for the following two books after this, I have already chosen the names of these books, which I’m actually about to share with you!


Here are the three books in The Lost Pleiad series and their tentative launch dates:

1. The Lost Pleiad (2021)
2. Pearl of the Sky (2022)
3. A Star and Her King (2023)

Any of those titles excite you yet? Just wait until you see the next covers!


What’s Great About the Lost Pleiad Series

I won’t be giving away a lot of information about it, because I want you to read it, but here are some things I can tell you.

This book is without a doubt fiction…. maybe.

When I set out to write this book, it was important to me that the information in it, while fictional, was accurate and possible. Every bit of information you are going to find in this Greek mythology retelling will, yes, be fictional. However, it will also be full of accurate, researched information about the Greek myths, quantum physics, spirituality, and what we know about our Universe at this point in time.

I wanted everything in the book to be fictional but also seem possible at the same time and that’s why I think this book will be incredibly unique.

This book is also a combination of things that I have discovered to be interconnected in the most magnificent of ways, which I wasn’t able to piece together without tons of research.


Along with Greek mythology retelling, in these novels, you’ll find a little bit of:

  • Spirituality
  • History
  • Science Fiction
  • Quantum physics

But don’t worry, it’s not all over the place. It all fits together.

You’ll see!


What is The Lost Pleiad Even About?

Observe, my full synopsis below to get you excited about this exciting story to come.

Desperate to understand her connection to the cosmos, Anya Allen embarks on a journey to discover who she is and where she belongs. Stargazing has been a life-long hobby for Anya but there is one constellation she favors above all others. The Pleiades.


Her introspective curiosity and online research of the star cluster awakens her to the possibility she might not be from planet Earth. How can that be?


Motivated to understand her place, Anya seeks assistance from a duo of lightworkers, who introduce her to metaphysical travels. As her abilities to move between two worlds intensifies, so does a budding romantic bond with one person who knows her better than anyone, Sam. Their deep love threatens to disrupt her desires to visit a world unknown.


Through a series of interstellar travels, Anya finally learns where she belongs. But which world is she actually destined to live in?


When is The Lost Pleiad Coming Out?

The launch date of The Lost Pleiad is quickly approaching. I know I keep saying that, but really, it is!

As of today, we are finishing up edits and looking to launch definitely this year! If you are antsy about learning the launch date, you’ll get quick updates on progress on my social media platforms Facebook and Instagram.

You can also sign up for my not-at-all-annoying and non-invasive mailing list in which I give a short monthly update on my progress.


PRE-ORDER The Lost Pleiad!

Pre-Order The Lost Pleiad

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