Book Review: Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman

Book Review: Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
March 2, 2021

4 mins read


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I bought Adventures Beyond the Body a few years back when I started thinking about writing The Lost Pleiad

It took me several years to actually sit down and read the book, but when I did I wasn’t disappointed. The book takes some time to get going at first and the author spends a great deal of time detailing his own experiences first.

At first, William’s stories seem rather repetitive, but they really set you up in understanding how long the out-of-body process takes.

If you are interested in trying astral projection, read on to learn more about Adventures Beyond the Body and how it can help you through the process.


Watch’s Spirit Science’s Video on Astral Projection


About Adventures Beyond the Body

Book Review: Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman

Adventures Beyond the Body is the book to help you prepare for a complete out-of-body experience. As far as astral projections books goes, it is the best of them if you are looking to practice and hone skills in the world of astral projection.

In this book, Buhlman promises to give you all the practical tools necessary to help visit other worlds, other dimensions and learn how to become more in tune with your spiritual self.

William Buhlman has credible experience and knowledge in coaching hundreds of people on how to successfully connect with their spiritual selves so they can enjoy out-of-body travel.

If you ever wondered what might lie beyond the reality we experience every day, if you’ve ever thrilled to accounts of out-of-body travel and longer to go alone for the ride, this fascinating, practical guide is for you. America’s leading expert on out-of-body travel tells the riveting story of his travels to other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques to guide you on your journey of a lifetime and beyond.

If you are already aware or believe in astral projection of concurrent realities, you are halfway on your way to experiencing it for yourself!


My Thoughts on Adventures Beyond The Body

Book Review: Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman

I have to admit, no matter how excited I was about this book 5 years ago or a month ago when I actually started to read it, I was skeptical. I acknowledge that a lot of that likely comes from my own indoctrinations created because of the world around me. However, I was able to go into the book with an open mind.

I think if you are going into this book, you need to go into it with an open mind.

I will say though, once I got past William’s own personal stories of astral travel and he got more into the physics theory, the rationale behind astral travel didn’t only start to make sense, it became probable.

I was incredibly surprised with how much was known back then on the topic of the universe and other dimensions. It reminded me of what we’ve been able to discover just in present-day physics theory.

I personally have not tried any astral travel practices Buhlman suggests just yet. However, I have used this book as a useful bit of knowledge in my novel The Lost Pleiad, which comes out in 2021.


How to Use Adventures Beyond the Body

As I have said before, the most important first step is coming into the book with an open mind. Any resistance could compromise your ability to take in the possibilities of astral travel.

It is tempting to skip ahead to the actual guide part of the book, but I encourage you to read through William’s experiences to help you understand what’s possible with astral travel. William stresses over and over that you are limitless in your ability to travel beyond this planet.

This book will:

    • Expand your conscious
    • Help verify the existence of the soul
    • Teach you about past lives
    • Enhance your daily life
    • Gain practical skills in astral travel
    • Educate you on the science of astral projection

In Adventures Beyond the Body,

“[William] vividly recounts his own adventures in the parallel universe described in the new-physics theories of Stephen Hawkins, Paul Davies, and Fred Alan Wolf and presents his step-by-step guide to astral travel’including exercises, tips, techniques, and answers to your every question about out-of-body experiences.”

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get your out-of-body-experience down on the first try. Some who have reviewed this book on Amazon have admitted to not experience their first astral trip until they’ve tried a couple of dozen times.

Stay consistent and keep on keeping on with your astral travel.


Purchase Adventures Beyond the Body


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