5 Relaxing Spotify Playlists for Writing To Help Keep You Focused

5 Relaxing Spotify Playlists for Writing To Help Keep You Focused

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
April 20, 2021

5 mins read


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Some of us like to listen to music while we write. 

I know I definitely do. I have handfuls of them ready to go whenever I get in the writing mode. When choosing the best writing playlist, there are so many possibilities and really it just depends on your own mood and your musical presence.

My favorite playlists for writing happen to be really downtempo providing low stimulation and less distraction so I can focus on the project. I actually created my own playlist specifically featuring songs I envisioned hearing in the story while I was writing my book for NaNoWriMo, which you can listen to here.

But what kind of music should you listen to when you’re writing?

According to Writing Routines’ article on music to listen to as told by nine best-selling authors, there are plenty of different tunes for you to play while you write. One of them strikes more true than the rest, classical music.

Classical music is one of the mainstay genres for any writer who prefers to listen to music while they write. The obvious allure of classical music is that there are no words to distract the listener.

If we’re going for wordless, there are tons of those playlists out there, but if you don’t mind having some soothing wordy jams for writing, here are some great playlists for writing that you will enjoy. These are in no particular order.


What Kind of Music Should You Listen to While Writing?

Choosing the right playlists for writing is a personal preference.

It’s likely a lot of what I suggest won’t resonate with all of you, which is totally okay! We all have different musical tastes.

But when I am choosing a writing playlist for myself, I usually quickly assess the playlist based on these few criteria.


1. Is it easy to sing along to?

Singing along while you work could steal focus from what you’re writing. Instrumentals are usually better.

2. Is it soothing?

I don’t need to be bumping along to something intense when I’m trying to get in a chill headspace.

3. Can I set it and let it play without worrying?

Right now, I have something playing that I’m barely paying attention to, but makes me feel not so much alone in my space.

4. Does it provoke creativity?

Sometimes the wrong playlist (i.e. something from breakups, or something that triggers memories) isn’t your best option when trying to focus.

Luckily, Spotify has gazillions of playlists to choose from, so you’re sure to find something.


1. Chill + Atmospheric

I had a friend of mine recommend the Chill + Atmospheric playlist to me. As a fellow creative, he found this playlist super helpful in stimulating his creativity.

This 6-hour long playlist has over 785,000 likes and has a lovely feel that makes you want to “float away on heady orchestrations and haunting harmonies…” as they put it. Before the “haunting” part turns you off, give it a listen. It’s super chill.

You’ll find artists like:

  • Novo Amor
  • Haux
  • Blanco White
  • Rosie Carney
  • Gia Margaret

You can pretty much expect this playlist to be slow tempo for the duration of the playlist. Rest assured, this is the perfect background music for people looking to get lost in their own mind.


2. Your Favorite Coffeehouse 

The Your Favorite Coffeehouse playlist is my absolute go-to playlist for writing. I listen to it so much thought, I have learned pretty much all the words to everything. Luckily, they update their playlist often.

This playlist has amassed over 3.8 million likes and will keep your background noise busy for over 7 hours.

If I could describe this playlist, it reminds me of something I would listen to while snug in a corner of a cafe drink pots of tea while I work on my writing.

On this playlist you’ll find artists like:

  • Haux
  • The Avett Brothers
  • Passenger
  • Leon Bridges
  • The Paper Kites
  • Rosie Carney

Some of the artists in this playlist are from the previous playlist I mentioned. And while a majority of the songs are pretty somber, there are some chipper feel-good ones that will bring a smile to your face.


3. Bruno Major Radio

Bruno Major is becoming one of my favorite artists. I absolutely love how soothing his music is. It reminds me of the kind of music you would listen to when it’s raining inside and you’re curled up under a blanket reading your favorite book and drinking a hot beverage.

Had it not been for Spotify, I’m pretty sure I would’ve never found Bruno Major in the first place. The Bruno Major Radio playlist is on the shorter end, time-wise, coming in under 3 hours, and has a decent amount of likes, more than 8,700.

This playlist includes artists like:

  • Bruno Major
  • Sabrina Claudio
  • Daniel Caesar
  • khai dreams
  • UMI

It takes on a bit of a “slow dancing” kind of vibe, but I totally dig it as a playlist for writing.


4. Sweater Weather Instrumentals

Lord have mercy.

The Sweater Weather Instrumentals playlist is so perfect for when you’re writing and you want anyone talking or singing to you.

This playlist is entirely instrumentals so you can stay ultra-focused as you write. This playlist with over 73,000 likes and will take you on a warm and cozy acoustic journey for over 5 hours.

You’ll find instrumentals from:

  • Aaron Reid
  • Olma
  • Channing Spence
  • Leo Klepper
  • Flynn Simmons

This playlist for writing isn’t just for sweater weather, although the name of it suggests it. It is perfect for days when you’re inside writing and don’t want to be bothered by anything else. I highly recommend this playlist for any and all writers on a mission to finish their novel or writing project.


5. Heart Strings

I threw this one in there in the case that you don’t really care about what is on your playlist as long as something is playing in the background and you like it.

You will find many of these songs will be quite relaxing. However, one of the reasons I love this playlist is it can inspire some emotional scenes if you are in need of that kind of drama for whatever story you’re creating.

If you’re into a variety of different songs or looking for music that will potentially provoke some emotion, which is useful for writing, this is that kind of playlist. This playlist was curated by singer-songwriter, Branik.

She describes this playlist as,

“The playlist will pull on your heartstrings. Maybe you are in love, longing for someone, needing hope and courage to move on. Maybe your heart hurts. Put your headphones on and float through an emotional ocean. I’m here with you.”

Not only does she feature her own music, but she also features artists like:

  • Madi Diaz
  • Paper Kites
  • Joni Mitchell
  • La Bouquet
  • Hillary Reynolds
  • Rosie Carney

You’ll find a lot of great tunes you’ve heard before and a lot of others you might not have. No matter what, this will be a playlist to keep your background occupied as you write. While it has only amassed 12 likes, you’ll have three hours worth of lovely tunes.

Now that you’ve seen my recommended playlists, let’s get to writing! But before we do, I want to share a BONUS playlist – mine.


The Lost Pleiad – BONUS Playlist [My Official Playlist]

Ever since I started writing my novel, The Lost Pleiad, I have envisioned it being a Netflix TV series.

I’m convinced it will be one day, and I’m not saying that lightly. I’m that optimistic.

This playlist is really just for readers and to put some of the scenes in my book to music. If you want to feel what my novel is like and not just imagine it in your mind, listen to this playlist.

And should you feel so inclined to read this book, you can learn more about it below!

Pre-Order The Lost Pleiad

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