7 Books Every Starseed Needs to Read in This Lifetime

8 Books Every Starseed Needs to Read in This Lifetime

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
May 17, 2021

5 mins read


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I have been doing energy healing long before I even knew what a Starseed was.

Of course, when I started to identify with Pleiadian Starseeds, there were even more books out there that helped me learn more about who I was. I think it’s important to have these books at your disposal, especially if you are a lightworker.

Having spent so many years growing up in and practicing energy healing, there are a few books that I use so regularly, it’s become a habit. But there are some other ones that I’ve read that just make me feel more seen and more accepted as a Starseed.

Now, I’m not saying these books will be the Starseed tell-all, and they may not even refer to your specific Starseed type. What I can tell you is, these books were created in an effort to raise you and the world’s vibration. That’s why having them handy all the time is good practice.

I’m going to tell you which ones they are.


What is a Starseed?

Before I get into my fabulous list of marvelous books, I’ll address what a Starseed is. It’s likely you already know what it is, but on the off chance you don’t,

Starseeds refer to star children, or star people, which is grouped into the category of New Age Belief. A Starseed believes they belong to or come from a planet outside of our current planet earth. The belief is that Star people from other times came to earth to “plant” seeds, or give new life to hybrids of human and star people, thus named, Starseeds.

The 12 Types of Starseeds

How many Starseeds are there? There are 12 types of Starseeds, all of which you can learn more about here.

  • Pleiadian
  • Arcturian
  • Orion
  • Draconian
  • Sirian
  • Lyran
  • Venusian
  • Martian
  • Andromedan
  • Polarian
  • Hadarian
  • Alpha Centaurians
  • Agarthan
  • Anunnaki

If you’re not sure whether or not you’re a Starseed, this website can help you identify the characteristics of a Starseed.


1. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay

I have been standing by You Can Heal Your Life since I was 10 years old and first learned about energy healing. This book is so powerful when it comes to changing your negative thought patterns and attracting good enough your life.

This book is half-self help exercises and half affirmations. What I find incredibly useful about the affirmations portion is each one is linked to a physical illness or disease you may be experiencing. According to Louise L Hay, our physical illnesses are created by our negative thought patterns. And this book helps us to change those thought patterns and ultimately love ourselves in the ways we deserve.

For example, if I have a headache, I can go to this book, look up the word ‘headache’ and learn the thought process that is creating the headache while also learning the positive affirmation to help change my negative thought.

This book is incredible and I highly recommend it for those willing and ready to change their negative thoughts as well as adopt a healthy thought process when it comes to the law of attraction.

2. Animal Speak & Animal Wise by Ted Andrews

Animal Wise and Animal Speak are my second and third favorite books and I reference them often to receive messages from our beloved animals.

How do I do that?

If I have a dream, see an animal in a strange place, or see it more often than normal, I look up the animal in these books. From there, I learn about the animal’s history, the meanings and symbolism associated with it, and the message they carry which may inspire me to take action, let go, or make a change.

Ted Andrews, unfortunately, is no longer alive to continue adding to these amazing books which have given me guidance for over 20 years now, but they still hold a wealth of knowledge in animals and the wonderful messages they bring to us should we choose to listen.


3. Dear Universe by Sarah Prout

Dear Universe is my go-to book in the moments I am feeling intense emotion whether positive or negative.

Sarah Prout put together this book of 200 mini-meditations and manifestations to help you escape the negative thoughts you are feeling and enhance the positive ones bringing you so much joy.

Sarah lists 100 negative common feelings we have and 100 positive feelings we have. For each feeling, she tells you a story about a time she experienced that feeling and then provides you with a mini affirmation to help you raise your vibration. I think this book is an important tool for any Starseed looking to raise their vibration and the vibration of the planet.


4. Enneagram Series by Elisabeth Bennett

I’ve only just started reading The 60-Day Enneagram Devotional, but have found it to be super helpful in understanding my Enneagram. If you’re not familiar with what an enneagram is, visit this website.

Elisabeth Bennett has created a book for each enneagram, to help the reader understand their enneagram type, how they cope with situations, their strengths and weaknesses, and a variety of other things.

This book is a 60-day devotional book that you are meant to read every day. This book also references God and the bible a lot, and while it’s not particularly my favorite aspect of the book, I still find the information within it very useful in understanding my own enneagram.


5. Light is the New Black by Rachel Campbell

I sped through Light is the New Black a few years back, learning a lot of things I already knew as a lightworker. In this book, she writes a series of letters, affirmations, and tidbits on recognizing your soul’s calling and what it means to be a lightworker.

I found her book to be encouraging and uplifting and helpful to me, especially in times when I have been led astray from my practices and life habits as a lightworker. In a world like ours where there is so much pain, complexity, sadness, and loss, I needed reminders, moments to remember what I am actually here for.

6. Warrior of Light by Paulo Coehlo

Paulo Coehlo got quite a bit of bad rap for this book since it was a little different than his traditional, incredible, storytelling style. This book is pretty short but it is not without a wealth of short reminders on who we are as a Warrior of Light.

I found a lot of his messages helpful and relatable and reads quite like a manual for lightworkers.

Every short passage invites us to live out our dreams, to embrace the uncertainty of life, and to rise to our own unique destiny In his inimitable style, Paulo Coelho helps bring out the Warrior of the Light within each of us. He also shows readers how to embark upon the way of the Warrior: the one who appreciates the miracle of being alive, the one who accepts failure, and the one whose quest leads him to become the person he wants to be.


7. Letters to a Starseed by Rebecca Campbell

Letters to a Starseed is Rebecca Campbell’s most recent book in her series of uplifting and love-filled books that help us realize our true power as creators and lightworkers. I was so pleasantly surprised to see this book and have been thoroughly enjoying all of its loving contents.

If you have read Campbell’s other books, this one is set up and read similar to the others. It provides high-vibrational messages to the lovely group of people in the world identifying as Starseeds. As the Starseed community continues to grow, and people continue to own their identity as Starseeds, this book will be one of the most helpful tools for them.

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