Book Review: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas

Book Review: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas

Written By Kelly Branyik

Kelly is a lifetime writer and aspiring author. She avidly writes for Elephant Journal and pilots a travel blog. Kelly runs solely on tea, burritos, and books.
May 31, 2024

6 mins read


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Before I go off on a super rant about my genuinely unhealthy obsession for House of Earth and Blood, which may result in continuous salivation, I just want to say…

This is the very first Sarah J Maas book I’ve read so I have no idea what her other books are like. I’ve finished reading it and I’m not okay. I need things to go on.

I searched every bookstore for this damn book and they were all basically sold out and for a while. People loved House of Earth and Blood so much, it was hard to find in any bookstore.

Many reviews made valid points about why they didn’t like it, but I’m just going to say, I loved this book. So let’s review House of Earth and Blood.

House of Earth and Blood Synopsis

Book Review: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas

Photo Credit: Bloomsbury

Bryce Quinlan is a half-human, half-fae, party girl who has a pretty good life. She works hard, plays harder, and she loves to dance.

Of course, her perfect lifestyle is about to get interrupted when her best friend and destined-to-be Alpha of wolf packs around the globe, Danika Fendyr, is brutally murdered by a demon in her apartment along with her entire pack.

To avenge their deaths, Bryce teams up with fallen angel, Hunt Athalar, who is enslaved by Archangels do dirty work for his boss, murdering his enemies without question.

Hunt’s strength and reputation for annihilation are renowned in Crescent City, but until he fulfills his contract, Hunt will not be free.

With a demon on a killing spree in the city, Hunt is instructed to team up with the difficult and vengeful Bryce to investigate the death of Danika and her pack, and the demon wreaking havoc on the city.

If he can help Bryce and solve these mysterious deaths, he’d be that much closer to being free.

But as the investigation continues, and Hunt and Bryce’s bond reaches a sizzling passion they never expected, they unravel a much darker power that could threaten all demons, fae, angels, and humans of Crescent City.

House of Earth and Blood Review & Thoughts

Photo Credit: Bxromance

So I searched bookstores for this book. And coming in hot at 800 pages, I was excited to get real cozy with this book.

I even bought the audiobook so I could simp over all these characters again and have Elizabeth Evans speak her sweet words and impersonations of the characters into my headphones.

So, sadly, as I sat down to read this book, I couldn’t get into the first half, which was really really disappointing.

I hadn’t read any in-depth reviews on House of Earth and Blood until after reading, so I had no idea how much context would be involved in the first half.

To be honest, everything was really a blur until I got to the second half of the book. That’s when some good shit started happening. That context that I didn’t get super into from the get-go was very needed for the exciting second half.

And, can we take a second to appreciate that Bryce is a freckle-faced, thick and busty woman? I love this because I think a lot of characters are usually slender.

Also, I loved how Maas put a contemporary spin on fantasy, bringing urban/futuristic aspects to the supernatural Crescent City. Bryce and Hunt are living in a very supernatural and urban world complete with cars, cellphones, witchy apartment enchantments, and even nail salons.

The storyline was also set up very well, even though it took some getting into, but I thought the reasoning behind Bryce and Hunt’s entire journey was very well put together.

I was really glad I pressed on with this book because, Y’ALL, it gets soooo good and the end is awesome!

Since publishing this article in 2021, I have read and listened to this book at least seven times, and I discover something new every time.

The Sexy Duo: Bryce and Hunt

Hunt and Bryce - House of Earth and Blood

Photo Credit: Mads Schofield

Lets. Talk. About. It. Possible spoilers ahead.

I don’t know why anyone cares about anything else, or maybe I just need a boyfriend. I don’t know.

OF COURSE, they start out loathing each other. Classic start to all that sweatiness they’re bound to have later on. Saw this coming right away.

There were some hot moments in this book that I still think about it when I’m in bed at night. Very, very… ahem… steamy. Below is one of my favorite ones:

@kellybranyik #greenscreenvideo I’m not well. I have listened to this audiobook 3 times. 🥵#houseofearthandblood #bryceandhunt #booktok ♬ original sound – Kelly Branyik

Here are House of Earth and Blood spicy scenes to look forward to:

  • Chapter 46: Roof scene (whimpers loudly)
  • Chapter 54: Shower scene (my love-desperate heart)
  • Chapter 55: Kitchen scene (sir, don’t you dare drop your voice an octave like that)
  • Chapter 61: Not-really-a-kiss-but-kind-of in front of the medwitch scene (ughhhhhhhh)
  • Chapter 64: Couch scene (groans unapologetically as I read this part over and over again)

If you’re into some rather carnal and ravenous sex scenes, then you will like some of these. Some of you, however, may not.

Outside of these very graphic and sexually charged scenes, these two get incredibly close after Hunt is voluntold to stay in her apartment with her. Sharing space, getting to know each other, we know where this is heading. But Bryce starts to realize he’s not as much of an alphahole as she thought.

In fact, she starts to worry about him a bit, because obviously, she cares. But he cares about her too.

What I loved about this whole development of their relationship was how much they were learning about each other and how vulnerable they become. I think Maas captured their realness, flaws, and perfections well.

Slowly, you could see Bryce bring her guard down, not taking her snarky attitude with it.

Also, every time Hunt calls her “Sweetheart” I want to die.

They have to be the endgame! Or so I hope. I am SO looking forward to seeing what happens with Hunt and Bryce in House of Sky and Breath.

Please don’t kill off Hunt’s character, I don’t want to see the dreaded love triangles Maas is known for.

True Friendship Prevails: Bryce and Danika

Bryce and Danika - House of Earth and Blood

Photo Credit: Beth Gilbert

While this story did focus a lot on the bond between Bryce and Hunt, the real story to pay attention to is the bond between Bryce and Danika which lasted longer after Danika’s death.

From start to finish, Maas was consistent with Bryce’s deep emotional desire to get revenge for Danika’s death. It made her really relatable. Like what wouldn’t you do to avenge your best friend’s death?

Bryce, in the end, was willing to sacrifice her life for all people of Crescent City, and she was willing to do it just to be with her best friend again, even if that meant crossing over into the afterlife. But of course, Danika reminds her that someone is waiting for her in reality and it’s time to wake up.

I loved this part because it wasn’t just all about her budding love for Athalar, but her infinite love for someone who gave her strength and still managed to save her in the end.

Also, what Lehabah did for Bryce! Literally cried during that part.

You’ll have to read the book to read how it really ends.

Some of the Best House of Earth and Blood Quotes

There is a lot of vulgar language in it, which I personally loved, but I know everyone else won’t. That being said, here are some of my favorite quotes from the book, all of which can be found on Goodreads:

“I heard what you said.’ Pump, pump, pump went his powerful arms. ‘What you waited to admit until I was almost dead, you fucking coward.’ His lightening surged into her, sending her body arcing off the ground as he tried to jump-start her heart. He snarled in her ear, ‘Now come say it to my face.'”


“…There’s nothing wrong with a party girl. I don’t get why the world thinks there is…Its easier for me—when people assume the worst about what I am. It lets me see who they really are.” — Bryce


“We’ve been friends from the moment you thought Jelly Bean Jubilee was a dildo.”


“Allow me to demonstrate why you can all kiss my fucking ass.”


“I am a descendent of Ranthia Drahl, Queen of Embers. She is with me now and I am not afraid. My friends are behind me and I will defend them.”

Watch the Live Stream of Sarah J Maas on House of Earth and Blood

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